Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Many people fail to do well as entrepreneurs simply because their life's primary focus is on SECURITY and SAFETY.Many A students focus on achieving good grades simply because they want job security.Most employees want the certainty of set hours, set pay, set benefits, weekends off, and guaranteed retirement. The world of security brings out the best in them.The world of uncertainty brings out the best in others.

I have not met many graduates of MBA programs who have become great entrepreneurs.I've found that most graduates focus on job security,so most find jobs in big corporate organizations with a focus on becoming a CEO or CFO. If that is their focus of choice,getting an MBA was probably a good move.You may already know that most of our great entrepreneurs do not hold MBA's,and many did not even graduate from college.A few greats are Bill Gates,founder of Microsoft,Steve Jobs,founder of Apple,Thomas Edison founder of General Electric,Richard Branson founder of Virgin, and Walt Disney founder of Disney Studios and Disneyland. (From the book MIDAS TOUCH )


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